Verifications for Educational InstitutionsIf you work in the administration department for an educational institution, employment and income verifications are coming in at an...
A Different and Better ApproachResponses to employment and income verification requests are commonplace for those in the HR or payroll department of a business. Not...
Making HR for School Districts a BreezeHuman Resource departments of school districts are under a lot of demands. Not only are they busy with normal hiring and payroll needs,...
Are You Ready to Enable a Remote Workforce…Again?Uncertain Times Uncertainty is the only thing that is certain as we head into the fall with the continued threat of the COVID-19 virus....
Crazy Fast Home Sales Continue into 2021During the coronavirus pandemic, some things have slowed down. Home sales have not been one of them. With people shifting jobs, working...
Human Resource TrendsNecessity is the mother of invention. In the last year, the coronavirus pandemic has pushed us to rethink the way we do things. It has...
Everyone wants your data. We secure your privacy.If you work for a big company, you have probably been contacted by companies hungry to help you with the swarms of verifications you...
Customer Support Still MattersA great technology tool is an asset. If you find the right tool, it helps you to do more and do things better than you ever imagined. But...