During the coronavirus pandemic, some things have slowed down. Home sales have not been one of them. With people shifting jobs, working from home, and desiring to take advantage of unprecedented low mortgage rates, across the country, home sales are on the rise. According to Housing Wire, nearly 6 million homes were sold in 2020 (a 6% growth over 2019). And they expect things to stay heated up throughout 2021, predicting that nearly 7 million homes will be sold. If their prediction is true, 2021 will be the strongest year for house sales since the Great Recession.
What does this mean for you? Well, if you’re not in the market for another house, somebody you know probably is. And somebody you work with is probably thinking about buying a house. These are fun and exciting things. But they’re not always that fun and exciting when you’re the one answering the verification requests for your colleagues’ new mortgages.
Get prepared for the verifications that are going to come your way. If you’re not already using a secure cloud-based solution for verifications like Verifent, sign up today for no cost to you or your business. If you are using Verifent, keep directing inquiries to utilize the Verifent portal. And, if you find you are getting a large number of verifications and would like to explore automating the process, we can help with that too.